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l love her frist的中文歌词

2024-06-08 15:46:24 编辑:zane 浏览量:540

l love her frist的中文歌词


l love her frist的中文歌词

Look at the two of you dancing that way 看着你们那样共舞Lost in the moment and each other's face 双方沉醉于此刻,深情凝视So much in love you're alone in this place 爱意漾溢,仿佛这里只剩你俩Like there's nobody else in the world 整个世界旁人尽散I was enough for her not long ago 不久以前,她有我就足够了I was her number one 我曾是在她心中排第一的人She told me so 她曾这样告诉我And she still means the world to me 而她对我来说仍意味着整个世界Just so you know 我只想让你知道这些So be careful when you hold my girl 所以当你拥抱我的女孩时,请小心点Time changes everything 时间改变了一切Life must go on 生活必须继续下去And I'm not gonna stand in your way 而我不会妨碍你I loved her first and I held her first 但我是第一个爱她,第一个拥抱她的人And a place in my heart will always be hers 并且她在我心中将永远占有一席之地From the first breath she breathed 自她出生时的第一口呼吸起When she first smiled at me 当她第一次对我微笑时I knew the love of a father runs deep 我明白了一个父亲内心深处的爱And I prayed that she'd find you someday 我一直祈祷她某天会找到意中人But it's still hard to give her away 但现在要把女儿交给别人,我还是觉得很难I loved her first 我是第一个爱她的人How could that beautiful woman with you 那个和你在一起的美丽女子Be the same freckle face kid that I knew 和我之前熟悉的那个脸上长着雀斑的孩子The one that I read all those fairy tales to 那个在睡前听我讲童话故事And tucked into bed all those nights 那个我在夜里给盖被子的孩子怎会是同一个人 And I knew the first time I saw you with her 而当我第一次看到你和她在一起时,我就知道It was only a matter of time 我迟早都会将她交付给你I loved her first and I held her first 但我是第一个爱她,第一个拥抱她的人And a place in my heart will always be hers 并且她在我心中将永远占有一席之地From the first breath she breathed 自她出生时的第一口呼吸起When she first smiled at me 当她第一次对我微笑时I knew the love of a father runs deep 我明白了一个父亲内心深处的爱And I prayed that she'd find you someday 我一直祈祷她某天会找到意中人But it's still hard to give her away 但现在要把女儿交给你,我还是觉得很难I loved her first   我是第一个爱她的人From the first breath she breathed 自她出生时的第一口呼吸起When she first smiled at me   当她第一次对我微笑时I knew the love of a father runs deep  我明白了一个父亲内心深处的爱Someday you might know what I'm going through 总有一天,你会明白我此刻的心情When a miracle smiles up at you 当一个生命的奇迹对着你微笑时I loved her first 我是第一个爱她的人

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