的有关信息介绍如下:VBS Dim x,y,ynSaveMousePos KeyPress 90 1//Rem start_002For 150 RestoreMousePos //每6秒按一次"Z"自修 KeyPress 90 1 Delay 6000EndFor //每15分钟补充一次能量Gosub 补充能量和体力Goto start_002//Sub 补充能量和体力 KeyPress 68 1 Delay 1000 // VBSCall Call FindPic(0,50,1023,767,"低级能量包.bmp",0.8,x,y) If x>=0 and y>=0 VBSCall Call SetCursorPos(x+14,y+16) RightClick 1 Delay 1000 MoveR 56 98 Delay 500 LeftClick 1 EndIf Delay 500 // RestoreMousePos Gosub 补充体力 // Delay 500 KeyPress 68 1 Delay 500Return //Sub 补充体力 yn=0 VBSCall Call FindPic(0,50,1023,767,"营养汉堡餐.bmp",0.8,x,y) If x>=0 and y>=0 VBSCall Call SetCursorPos(x+14,y+16) Delay 500 LeftDoubleClick 1 yn=1 EndIf //如果没有专用食品就用默认的第一排第二个位的食品 If yn=0 VBSCall Call FindPic(0,50,1023,767,"标识.bmp",0.8,x,y) If x>=0 and y>=0 VBSCall Call SetCursorPos(x+6,y+50) Delay 500 LeftDoubleClick 1 EndIf EndIf Return EndScript