

2024-06-23 16:23:57 编辑:zane 浏览量:591




bottom英 [ˈbɒtəm]美 [ˈbɑːtəm]底部bottomn.底部;最下部;(朝下的)底,底面;(容器内的)底adj.底部的;最后的;尽头的v.给…装上底;降到最低;对…寻根问底;为…提供根据复数:bottoms第三人称单数:bottoms现在进行时:bottoming过去式:bottomed过去分词:bottomed例句1.He sat at the bottom of the stairs他坐在最下面的一级楼梯上。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典2.There's an extra duvet in the bottom drawer of the cupboard.橱柜最底层的抽屉里还有一床羽绒被。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典词语用例词语搭配短语动词习语bottom与以下词性连用v.1.reach the bottom到达底部2.sink to the bottom沉到底部n.1.bottom of a hill山脚2.bottom of the page/screen页面/屏幕的下方3.bottom drawer底层抽屉4.bottom of the pool泳池池底5.bottom of the sea海底6.river bottom河底7.bottom lip下嘴唇8.bottom rung阶梯底层prep.1.along the bottom沿着底部2.on the bottom在底部3.at/near the bottom在/靠近底部(或末尾)同义词n.base,floor,foundation,ground反义词n.peak,top同义词辨析bottom|bed|floor【导航词义:底部】bottomn.底部,海底,河底词义最广泛,可指各种事物的最底端部分。Hold the bottom of the ladder for me, please!请帮我扶住梯子下部!Be careful! The bottom of the pool is very slippery.小心!池底很滑。So many fish live on the sea bottom.生活在海底的鱼数量繁多。bedn.底座;(河)床指构成某物底部的一层,也指河、湖、海等的水底部分。on the sea bed在海底the bed of a river河床All the child wants is the prawns on a bed of lettuce.这个孩子只想吃铺在生菜上面的大虾。The railway was built on a bed of solid rock.铁路建在硬石地基上。floorn.底,面,地板指海洋、山洞等的底,或建筑物中的地板、地面。creatures living on the ocean floor生活在海底的生物the floor of a bridg桥面He left his books lying all over the floor.他把书扔得满地都是。英英释义noun1.a cargo shipthey did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottomssynonym: freighter; merchantman; merchant ship;2.the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on

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