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mariah carey的Betcha Gon' Know中文翻译

2024-06-25 07:55:17 编辑:zane 浏览量:582

mariah carey的Betcha Gon' Know中文翻译


mariah carey的Betcha Gon' Know中文翻译

Oh welcome to a day of my life 欢迎来到我生命中的一天  The memoirs of an imperfect angel 这是一位不完美天使的回忆录  Oh welcome to a day of my life (重复一遍)  The memoirs of an imperfect angel  Though the lights were low 尽管灯光朦胧  I could see you both 我还是能看见你们情人般亲昵的轮廓  In a lovers silhoutte  And my heart stood still 我的心跳(仿佛)骤然而止  I was froze right there 整个身体僵住  Staring down at her, red dress 紧紧凝视着一袭红衣的她  So i bolted out the door 我夺门而出  Jumped right into the car 立刻上车  Its too dangerous to 留在你们附近是件太危险的事了  be in the vicinity of where you are  Rolled down all the windows 摇下所有车窗  just so I can breathe 因为这样我才能呼吸  Cant believe you just 真不敢相信你真这样地对我  actually did this shit to me  Im going about a hundred 我的睫毛膏(因为泪水的冲刷)不停地花掉  Mascara running  Laughing out of anger 愤怒的狂笑  But it dont strike me as funny 但这并不使我感到可笑  Been too good to you 对你那么好  Ive been virtuous and true 专一而真诚  To have something like 难道就为了这发生在我自己卧室的一幕  this happen in my own bedroom  Betcha gon know how it feels 你迟早会感同身受的  When i get you back 当我夺回你的时候  Betcha gon know how it feels 你迟早会感同身受的  & your hearts been cracked 你的心会被毁掉粉碎  Betcha gon know how it feels 你迟早会感同身受的  We fade to black 我们的爱会消逝于黑暗  And you see your whole 那时你会感受到你整个世界崩塌  world collapse  Ima la la la la la laugh (那时) 我就会笑到最后  Ima la la la la la laugh  Ima la la la la la laugh  Right in your face boy 就当着你的面前 男孩  Betcha gon know how it feels 你迟早会感同身受的  Betcha gon 肯定  Betcha gon 一定  Betcha gon 绝对  Betcha gon 。。。  Betcha gon  Betcha gon  Betcha gon  Betcha gon  Betcha gon  Betcha gon  So i pull to the side 我把车停在路边补妆  of the road to fix my face  But i cant cover with 但我却无法修饰我泪流不住的脸庞  makeup what my tears want to raise  I wake up in a haze morning 我在清晨的薄雾中醒来  dew and sunrays 水雾蒙蒙 日光袅袅  As i drive i hide my 开着车 用眼影遮盖好疲惫的泪眼  eyes behind my black Voir shades  A block from the house 我缓慢地停在离家一街区之隔的车道上  slowly creep in the driveway  Tip toe through the door 轻轻地进门  but your there wide awake 但你早已醒来  Your like where you been 你假惺惺地问我去哪了  Im like sorry but i fell 我假装抱歉地解释我昨夜在jazmine家的沙发上睡着了  asleep on jazmines sofa  I coulda swore that ray-ray 我可以发誓是那个叫某ray的女人让你这样做的  called you and told ya  Your like you ok im like 你说一切如常  im alright go to sleep ill be fine 而我说要去睡一会儿就会好  But if only you knew 但如果你知道我内心中的想法的话  what was in the back of my mind  What you already started 也许你已经开始知道了  what youd really gon find out there in time 因为那就是你很快要完全体会到的  Betcha gon know how it feels 你迟早会感同身受的  When i get you back 当我夺回你的时候  Betcha gon know how it feels 你迟早会感同身受的  & your hearts been cracked 你的心被被毁灭粉碎  Betcha gon know how it feels 你迟早会感同身受的  When we fade to black 当我们的爱消逝于黑暗  And you see your whole 你就会感到你整个世界崩塌  world collapse  This is for real for real for real 我这次是认真的  Oprah Winfrey whole segment 就像上了一整次ophrah脱口秀  for real for real 这是真实的  20/20 barbara walters 被barbara采访  for real for real 整个六十分钟的节目都在讲述的  60 minutes for real 真实的故事  Baby 亲爱的  I had all my trust in 我曾经无条件的信任你 却眼睁睁地看着你让我承受这些  you and look at what you put me through  You got my all crazy 你让我完完全全失去理智  Somewhere down the line  you gon get what you deserve you 你会罪有应得  You were supposed to save me 你本应该将我救赎  My Sweet baby 我亲爱的  Now were fading away 如今一切消逝如云烟  But you gon know how 你早晚会感同身受的这些的  this feels even if its the last thing I ever do 这也许我最后为你的一件事了(指毁掉他的这件事)  to be continue (我的回忆录)未完待续。。。。

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