

2024-06-30 14:34:40 编辑:zane 浏览量:512




.Heavy rains occur during a summer monsoon.暴雨出现在一个夏季季风期 The idea never occurred to me.这个想法闪现在我脑海 2.记录财产目录 3.The new appropriations bill could mean a larger paycheck for state employees. 新的岁出预算案对国家雇员来说是一张更大的支票 4.personnel problems; personnel matters 个人问题;个人事物 5.The students sat up when he mentioned the test. 当他提到考试的时候,学生们忽然警觉起来 6.静物画 7.(landscape) a bleak New England winter landscape. 荒凉的新英格兰冬季地貌 The trees and the mountains made the landscape very beautiful. 树木和山脉使风景变得很美 8.He painted a portrait of his daughter. 他画了一幅她女儿的像 9.(employee) employee benefits; employee unions; employee relations. 雇员利益;雇员联合会;雇员关系 10.(journal) The doctor reads the Journal of Medical Science. 这位医生在阅读《医学科学》杂志。 11.rusted pipes that were beginning to leak; a boat leaking at the seams. 开始漏水的锈水管;船的接缝处漏水 helium leaking slowly from the balloon. 氦气慢慢地从气球中漏走 The news has leaked. 消息已泄漏了 a damaged reactor leaking radioactivity into the atmosphere. 一座损坏的反应堆向大气中泄露出发射性物质 “Sometimes we can't respond to stories based on leaks”(Ronald Reagan) “有时候我们不能对泄露出去的消息做出反应”(罗纳德·里根) 12.Grandfather was snoring. 祖父在打呼噜

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