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麦当娜Dance Tonight 的中文歌词是什么?

2024-08-03 22:34:52 编辑:zane 浏览量:610

麦当娜Dance Tonight 的中文歌词是什么?


麦当娜Dance Tonight 的中文歌词是什么?

Move your body  你舞动着身体  Get me from across the floor  将我从地板上扶起  Everybody's watchin'  每个人都看着我们  But I just wanna give you more  而我却只想给你更多  Don't care bout nothin' Im fallin' for your love in the worst way  我不顾一切深爱你  Move closer I can feel your body rise  靠近你感觉你身体在升温  The heat from you  感受来自你身上的热量  And I just have to fantasize  我幻想着  We're all alone now  此刻只有我们俩  And I don't care what people have to say  我不在乎别人说了些什么  You don't have to be beautiful  你不必长得漂亮  To be understood  也不必善解人意  You don't have to be rich and famous  你不必有钱有势  To be good  不必多么优秀  You just gotta give more more more  我只想对你不断付出,一直付出  Than you ever have before  给你从未有过的  And we gotta move fast fast fast  我们的舞跳得越来越快  Let's dance tonight dance tonight  让我们舞蹈今宵  And groove around the world  将舞姿流淌到世界各地  Dance tonight, dance tonight  舞蹈今宵,  With a boy and with a girl I wanna dance tonight, dance tonight  与男孩和女孩一起,我要舞动今宵  Do it, do it  就这么做  Let me turn you on  让我点燃你的激情  Let the music pull you through it  尽情享受这音乐  Til the break of dawn  直至黎明时刻  Do it, do it  就这么做  While the night is young  趁着刚入夜  Let the music pull you through it  让我们尽情享受这音乐  Til the lights go on In our zone  直至阳光照耀至我们区域  Do you wanna take it further  你想走得更远吗?  And before too long  趁年轻的时候  Gonna start to wonder  你开始疑惑了吗?  Are you a one trick pony  疑惑你是一个小不点  Or do you wanna .....  或者你想。。  I'm so into you...  我如此喜欢你  I've heard it all before  我听很多人都这么告诉我  What should I do?  我该怎么办呢?  Get me on the floor  将我从地板上扶起吧  Don't spoil this moment  这一刻请不要矜持  Cause talk is cheap I don't have time to waste  因为那些闲话太不值,我已没有时间去浪费  You don't have to be beautiful  你不必美丽  To be understood  不必善解人意  You don't have to be rich and famous  你不必有钱有势  To be good  不必多么优秀  You just gotta give more more more  我只想为你一直付出  Than you ever have before  给你从未有过的  And we gotta move fast fast fast  我们的舞跳得越来越快  Let's dance tonight dance tonight  让我们舞蹈今宵  And groove around the world  让舞蹈流淌到世界各地  Dance tonight, dance tonight  舞动今宵,  With a boy and with a girl I wanna dance tonight, dance tonight  与男孩和女孩一起,我要舞动今宵  Do it, do it  就这么做  Let me turn you on  让我点燃你的激情  Let the music pull you through it  尽情享受这音乐  Til the break of dawn  直至黎明时刻  Do it, do it  就这么做  While the night is young  趁着刚入夜  Let the music pull you through it  尽情享受这音乐  Til the lights go on  直至阳光普照

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