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芭比之时尚童话里get your sparkle on的歌词

2024-09-17 08:33:07 编辑:zane 浏览量:573

芭比之时尚童话里get your sparkle on的歌词


芭比之时尚童话里get your sparkle on的歌词

穿上闪亮的衣服Get your sparkle on.向世界展示你的存在Show this world where you belong.只要怀有信念,相信信念All it takes is a little faith, believe it.穿上闪亮的衣服Get your sparkle on.聆听自己,感受强劲的心跳Listen to your heart and feel it beating strong.将困惑,全部抛开When you're in doubt, glitter it out every time.灯光亮起来,让我们舞动秀场Lights up, let's rock the runway.我们将以全新的面貌上场This time we'll take the fun way.心里的话,要勇敢说出来What's in, you gotta let it out.你看起来很冷,亲爱的You are so cold, darling.让我的激情温暖你Let me warm you with my fire.哦O.不要因怀疑你,谩骂你的人而伤心流泪Don't let the doubters, shouters, pouters turn you inside out.不要被他们击垮Don't let'em bring you down.行动起来,积极面对,勇敢解决You've got to move it, groove it, choose it.证明自己的时刻到了Now is the time to prove it.4,3,2,1Four, three, two, one.穿上闪亮的衣服Get your sparkle on.向世界展示你的魅力Show this world where you belong.只要怀有信念,相信信念All it takes is a little faith, believe it.

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