的有关信息介绍如下:futures 期货options 选择, 选择权Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。Silver: quiet. Value fluctuate lower in line with other precious metals on both bullion and futures market. 银:清淡。由于受最近交易低潮的影响,银和其他贵重金属一样,期货和现货市场的数量下降。"The government has two options, to reduce spending or to increase taxes." "政府只有两种选择,不是削减开支便是增加税收。"Make a list of the various options. 列出可供选择的项目。Language courses are wrongly thought to be soft options. 人们误以为选修语言课程较轻松。