

2024-06-17 11:43:46 编辑:zane 浏览量:557



复习: [ fù xí ] 1. to revise2. to reviewRelative explainations: Examples:1. 汤姆考试前复习课文。 Tom went over the text before the exam.2. 当然他可以再复习一遍,是吗? Surely he could go over it, then?3. 咱们一起复习你的英语练习好吗? Shall we go over your English exercises together?4. 考试之前,我们复习一学期的功课。 Before the examination we have a review of the term's work.5. 留出星期五下午的时间做复习。 Friday afternoons are left free for revision. review method复习法Rub up one's mathematics复习数学A summary or review.总结或回顾、复习Repetition is the mother of knowledge.复习是知识之母。Because I am reviewing my lesson.因为我在复习功课。I am doing revision for the examination.我正在做考试复习。They continue review their lesson.他们继续复习他们的功课。All right,begin reviewing.好啦,开始复习吧!(British) a review that refreshes your memory.(英国)更新大脑的复习。Run through your notes before class.上课前把笔记复习一下。

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