

2024-06-19 13:18:50 编辑:zane 浏览量:602




绝代双骄 The Legendary Twins双孤情仇 The Love and enmity of two orphans再送你一点多一点Gu Long wrote a total of sixty-nine novels. Many of the later ones were co-written with others. 大人物 Da Ren Wu (The Prominent Figure) - 32 chapters 碧血洗银枪 Bi Xue Xi Yin Qiang (Silver Spear Cleansed in Blood) - 1977; 39 chapters 白玉老虎 Bai Yu Lao Hu (The White Jade Tiger) - 9 chapters 苍穹神剑 Cang Qiong Shen Jian - 10 chapters 彩环曲 Cai Huan Qu - 12 chapters 游侠录 You Xia Lu (Wandering Hero) - 8 chapters 楚留香系列 Chu Liu Xiang Xi Lie (The Chu Liu Xiang Series) - written between 1968 and 1979 蝙蝠传奇 Bian Fu Chuan Ji (Legend of the Bat) - 23 chapters 大沙漠 Da Sha Mo (Vast Desert) - 36 chapters 血海飘香 Xie Hai Piao Xiang (Fragrance in the Sea of Blood) - 27 chapters 鬼恋传奇 Gui Lian Chuan Ji (The Legend of the Ghost Lover) - 1970; 12 chapters 午夜兰花 Wu Ye Lan Hua (Midnight-Blooming Orchid) - 14 chapters 新月传奇 Xin Yue Chuan Ji (Legend of the New Moon) - 12 chapters 桃花传奇 Tao Hua Chuan Ji (Legend of the Peach Blossom) - 15 chapters 画眉鸟 Hua Mei Niao (The Thrush) - 36 chapters 大旗英雄传 Da Qi Ying Xiong Chuan (The Legend of the Hero's Banner) - 44 chapters 多情剑客无情剑 Duo Qing Jian Ke Wu Qing Jian (Sentimental Swordsman, Ruthless Sword) - 1970; 89 chapters 赌局系列 Du Ju Xi Lie (Gambling House Series) - 34 chapters 流星.蝴蝶.剑 Liu Xing. Hu Die. Jian (Meteor. Butterfly. Sword) - 29 chapters 名剑风流 Ming Jian Feng Liu (The Sword and the Exquisiteness) - 40 chapters 飞刀,又见飞刀 Fei Dao, You Jian Fei Dao (Flying Dagger, Again Meet Flying Dagger) - 12 chapters 那一剑的风情 Na Yi Jian De Feng Qing (Swordplay) - 31 chapters 风铃中的刀声 Feng Ling Zhong De Dao Sheng (The Sound of Saber in Wind Chimes) - 25 chapters 大地飞鹰 Da Di Fei Ying (The Flying Eagle of the Land) 孤星传 Gu Xing Chuan (Lone Star Chronicles) 英雄无泪 Ying Xiong Wu Lei (The Hero With No Tears) 浣花洗剑录 Hua Xi Jian Lu (Sword Bathed in Flowers) 护花铃 Hu Hua Ling (The bell of Maiden Guarding) 绝代双娇 Jue Dai Shuang Jiao (The Legendary Twins) 剑客行 Jian Ke Hang (Swordsman's Journey) 剑玄录 Jian Xuan Lu (The Mysterious Legend of the Sword) 绝不低头 Jue Bu Di Tou (The Proud) 陆小凤系列 Liu Xiao Feng Xi Lie (The Liu Xiao Feng Series) - written between 1976 to 1981 陆小凤传奇 Liu Xiao Feng Chuan Ji (The Legend of Liu Xiao Feng) - 1976 绣花大盗 Xiu Hua Da Dao (Embroidery Bandit) - 1976 决战前后 Jue Zhan Qian Hou (Before and After the Duel) - 1976 银钩赌坊 Yin Gou Du Fang (The Silver Hook Gambling House) - 1977 幽灵山庄 You Ling Shan Zhuang (Ghostly Mountain Cottage) - 1977 凤舞九天 Feng Wu Jiu Tian (The Phoenix Dances in Nine Heavens) - 1978 剑神一笑 Jian Shen Yi Xiao (Laughter of the Sword God) - 1981 飘香剑雨 Piao Xiang Jian Yu (Fragrant Sword Rain) 飘香剑雨续 Piao Xiang Jian Yu Xu (Fragrant Sword Rain Continued) 情人箭 Qing Ren Jian (Lover's Arrow) 九月鹰飞 Jiu Yue Ying Fei (Flying Eagle in September) 七种武器之 Qi Zhong Wu Qi Zhi (The Seven Weapons Series) 长生剑 Chang Sheng Jian (Immortal Sword) 孔雀翎 Kong Que Ling (Peacock Tail Feathers) 碧玉刀 Bi Yu Dao (Jasper Saber) 多情环 Duo Qing Huan Passionate Ring 离别钩 Li Bie Gou (Hook of Departure) 霸王枪 Ba Wang Qiang (The Overlord's Spear) 拳头 Quan Tou (Fist) Note: Gu Long has never written a seventh story for his Seven Weapons Series, therefore Fist is often incorrectly labeled as so. 七杀手 Qi Sha Shou (Seven Assassins) 七星龙王 Qi Xing Long Wang (Seven Star Dragon King) 失魂引 Shi Hun Yin (Guide to Lost Souls) 边城浪子 Bian Cheng Lang Zi (Bordertown Wanderer) 三少爷的剑 San Shao Ye De Jian (Third Young Master's Sword) 天涯明月刀 Tian Ya Ming Yue Dao (Midnight, Bright Moon, Saber) 武林外史 Wu Lin Wai Shi (Wulin's Side Story) - 44 chapters 湘妃剑 Xiang Fei Jian Concubine Xiang's Sword 萧十一郎 Xiao Shi Yi Lang (The Eleventh Son) 血鹦鹉 Xie Ying Wu (Blood Parrot) 月异星邪 Yue Yi Xing Xie (Strange Moon, Evil Star)

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