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events management是什么意思

2024-07-19 19:38:34 编辑:zane 浏览量:555

events management是什么意思


events management是什么意思

events management词典:事件管理;活动项目管理例句:On the Innovation Significance of the Events Management in Urban Tourism论事件管理在都市旅游中的创新意义WHO has already developed and built an improved events management system tomanage potential public health emergencies. 世卫组织已制定和建立一个经改进的事件管理系统以管理可能出现的突发公共卫生事件。More and more people concern the economic and social benefits brought from thesporting events, and so it is a trend to construct the sporting events brand of thesporting events management. 体育赛事所能带来经济效益和社会效益得到了越来越多人的关注,建设体育赛事品牌也就成为体育赛事管理发展的一个趋势。

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