的有关信息介绍如下:UC3842 采用固定工作频率脉冲宽度可控调制方式,共有8 个引脚,各脚功能如下:
②脚是反馈电压输入端,此脚电压与误差放大器同相端的2.5V 基准电压进行比较,产生误差电压,从而控制脉冲宽度;
③脚为电流检测输入端, 当检测电压超过1V时缩小脉冲宽度使电源处于间歇工作状态;
⑥脚为推挽输出端,内部为图腾柱式,上升、下降时间仅为50ns 驱动能力为±1A ;
⑧脚为5V 基准电压输出端,有50mA 的负载能力。
The UC3842 are fixed frequencycurrent-mode PWM controller. They are specially designed for Off-Line and DC to DC converter applications with minimum external components. These integrated circuits feature a trimmed oscillator for precise duty cycle control, a temperature compensated reference, high gain error amplifier, current sensing comparator and a high current totempole output for driving a Power MOSFET. The UC3842 and UC3844 have UVLO thresholds of 16V (on) and 10V (off). The UC3843 and UC3845 are 8.5V(on) and 7.9V (off). The UC3842 and UC3843 can operate within 100% duty cycle. The UC3844 and UC3845 can operate with 50% duty cycle.