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girl power是什么意思

2024-07-31 01:31:33 编辑:zane 浏览量:569

girl power是什么意思


girl power是什么意思

girl powern.女权(认为女性应主宰自己的事业和生活的观念)女生力量;女孩力量;女性力量例句1.These recent developments would indicate a wave of girl power is sweeping the country.最近的发展情况表明一股女权风潮正在席卷全国。2.Or maybe they're just seeing sense and striking a tiny blow for girl power.或许,他们只是寻找感觉和对女生力量进行细微的打击。3.So you had this feminist ferment in the early- and mid-1990s that gave rise to what was the girl-power movement.因此我们便有了上个世纪九十年代的早期和中期,由女权主义骚动而引起的“女孩力量运动”。4.But even in the world of pop music, with the spirit of girl power behind it, the concept of feminism is often misapplied.不过在流行乐坛,尽管有着女权运动的灵魂支撑,但是女权运动的概念常被误用。5.Girl power, it seems, never had it so good.看起来女人的力量从来没有这样好过。

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