

2024-11-04 23:30:06 编辑:zane 浏览量:546




介绍、推荐的英语:Introduction发音:[,ɪntrə'dʌkʃ(ə)n]词性:n. 介绍;引进;采用;入门;传入;推荐。短语:Course introduction 课程介绍General Introduction 总体介绍Products Introduction 介绍产品 Packaging Introduction 包装说明Technology Introduction 技术引进 INTRO introduction 介绍 Accomplishment introduction 成就介绍造句:1、This is an introduction to some of the transformation features.以下是对该转换的一些特性的介绍。2、"What is life?" he asks, rhetorically in the introduction."什么是生命?"他在介绍部分煞有介事地问。3、He might even explain why in the introduction or when he talks about the limitations of his study. But you could still ask the question.他可能已经说明了为什么什么东西在介绍里或者他会在什么时候说说他研究的界线,可是,你仍然可以继续问下去啊4、You could ask the VC for an introduction, but use your own network to connect as well.你可以要求VC进行介绍,但你也需要利用自己的网络来进行联系。5、I hope this brief introduction to AMS gets you thinking about how you could deploy and migrate to this new technology.我希望本文对 AMS 的简要介绍能够帮助您考虑如何部署和迁移到这种新技术。6、Again, this is just a very brief introduction to the causes of Third World poverty, but it serves as an illustration for what we in the First World can do to help.重申一下,这里只是很简短地介绍一下第三世界贫困的缘由,不过可以据此说明我们第一世界的人可以做些什么来向他们提供帮助。

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