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Eplan 的激活码和序列号

2024-11-05 05:39:06 编辑:zane 浏览量:588

Eplan 的激活码和序列号


Eplan 的激活码和序列号

解压文件,在 Crack文件夹里面,点Emulator.exe再一下操作1. Start EPLAN Electric P8 1.9_DONGLES_Emulator.exe 2. Now you need to open "Dricer" tab, Press "INSTALL" button and if installation was successful Driver status window will be changed to "Status : driver is installed" 3. Now you need to open "Emulator" tab, Then you press "Start Service" button. If everything is ok you'll see "HASP/HARDLOCK Emulator Service is running"4. Open "DONGLES" tab and press the "Load dump" button.Load SN-U10066.DNG5. Copy SN-U10066.EGF to C:\Documents and Settings\ All Users\Application Data\EPLAN\Common再安装Electric P8这个文件夹得东西,其他的可以不装,但是这个重启电脑之后就没有了完全卸载之后重装一次,每次都是这样。但是还是建议你买正版,我这有最新破解版的,带全套教材。200RMBjxbackhy@126.com

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