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a white elephant是什么意思

2024-11-23 00:21:46 编辑:zane 浏览量:591

a white elephant是什么意思


a white elephant是什么意思

a white elephant的意思有:大而无用之物;累赘,沉重的负担, 无用的累赘东西。英式发音为[ə hwait ˈelifənt],美式发音为[e hwaɪt ˈɛləfənt]。拓展资料1、I'll never buy a car, for it's only a white elephant to me. 我决不买汽车,因为它对我只会是一个累赘。2、In Thailand and India, a white elephant is regarded as a sacred animal. 在泰国和印度,白象被视为神圣的动物。3、A motor-car would be a white elephant to him, because he can't drive it. 摩托车对他一点用都没有,因为他不会驾驶。4、The car is a white elephant for me. 这辆小汽车对我来说是无用之物。5、Who would have thought to meet a white elephant. 谁会想到会遇到一头白象啊!6、That super size desk is a white elephant to his room. 那张他房间里的超大书桌很大而无当。7、Each holiday for me seemed like a white elephant, a thing which can't make people excited.每一个节日对于我来说如同鸡肘,令人提不起劲。8、A car is a white elephant forr me. 对我而言,小汽车是个昂贵而无用的东西。9、The boy showed no interest in music. The grand piano they had bought for him was nothing but a white elephant. 那个男孩对音乐没有兴趣,他们为他买的大钢琴成了件多余的东西。

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