

2024-12-30 04:05:03 编辑:zane 浏览量:566




你说的 是翻译成现代文还是英文 翻译成英文:Lu Su on behalf of Zhou Yu, as the land port, over the next Tuen Mongolia. Meng Su Italy is still light, or that the Su said: "Lu was general fame day, can not be too deliberate, Jun Yi Gu." Then Wang Yi Meng. Jiu Han, Meng Q Su said: "Monarch by the task, and Guan Yu neighbors, will account strategy to prepare for any eventuality?" Su rash should say: "temporary facilities should." Meng said: "Although this thing for a while Xiong Guan real tiger, namely, security from time to predestinated? "because the Su-five paintings policy. Su So the more seats on the, pat his back, saying: "Lvzi Ming, I do not know of State Institution and even this has only a little." Then worship Mongolian mother, friends and the other end. Mongolia and into the time when, Sung Ting, Xu Gu Tuen attained during the past three to die, succulent children, the right note in order to soldiers and Mongolia. Meng Gu Ci, CHEN Qi Gu h ave hard-working state, and children, though small, can not waste too, the book three on the right is to listen. Mongolia so he was selected to provide guidance for teachers rate their worry about the case 翻译成现代文:鲁肃取代周瑜(为水军都督),当陆口驻屯,经过吕蒙所在的屯下。鲁肃(当时)对吕蒙还比较轻视。有人对鲁肃说:“吕将军的功名一天比一天显著,不可以用旧眼光来看待,您应当去拜访他。”(鲁肃)就去拜访吕蒙。酒过三巡,吕蒙问鲁肃:“您受到重任,与蜀汉的关羽为邻对峙,您将用什么办法来防止不测的发生。”鲁肃轻率地回答:“事到临时怎么适宜就怎么办吧。”吕蒙说:“现在长江东西双方(指西蜀和东吴)虽然看上去很和睦,像一家人一样,而关羽实际上是像熊虎一样有野心的人,怎么能不事先预订好应急方案呢?”就这个时机吕蒙为鲁肃筹划了五个应急方案,鲁肃就站起来离开自己的坐席,来到吕蒙身边,拍着吕蒙的背说:“吕子明啊,我不知道您的才能已经达到了这样的高度。”鲁肃就拜望了吕蒙的母亲,与吕蒙结交为挚友后分别。 当时吕蒙屯军与成当、宋定、徐顾非常的靠近。这三位将军战死后,他们的儿子都还很小。孙权想把这三人的军兵,部曲全都给吕蒙(又差一点发财)。可是吕蒙坚决的辞让,说这三位将军勤劳国事,为国家战死,国家还是不应该为了暂时的利益而忘记这些孤儿。接连上书三次,孙权才同意这一做法。吕蒙又找到了几位老师,让他们辅导这些孩子,他对国家,朋友的操心大概都是这个样子.

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