的有关信息介绍如下:赏月 [shǎng yuè] 基本释义enjoy the glorious full moonadmire the full moon 网络释义新汉英大辞典watch the moon40个小学3-6年级的动词短语 要40个的 小学 ...go to my home去我家 watch the moon赏月 have a look看看 ...appreciate the glorious full moon最新随笔 ...忠臣 loyal minister 赏月 appreciate the glorious full moon 人口素质 quality of population ... enjoythemoon世博词汇、语句(五) ...上网surftheInternet看电影seeamovie赏月enjoythemoon ...enjoying the full moon男科病在线咨询、Traditional Festi... ... 赏菊 enjoying chrysanthemum 赏月 enjoying the full moon 狮子舞 lion dance ... 标准:watch the moon