

2024-07-27 14:14:31 编辑:zane 浏览量:552




战略性贸易政策理论Strategic Trade Policy Theory利润转移论"(profit transition),规模经济Scaled economy关税tariff垄断利润monopoly profit国民净福利Net National welfare寡头垄断oligopoly完全垄断monopoly自然垄断”(natural monopoly)国际市场份额 international market share厂商manufacturers进口保护以促进出口(import protection as export promotion),http://www.nwnu.edu.cn/jgxy/jxcgj/gjjjx/section/class=34.html出口补贴(Export Subsidies)不完全竞争市场monopolistic competitive market外部经济论exterior economy theory『出口扩张』(export promotion)也可以翻译为(export expansion,后者用的更多The main contents of strategic trade policy theory are “profit transition” and (1) The people agree with profit transition think a government can seize market shares for national monopolies using export subsidies under the condition of scaled economy and monopolistic competitive market, deduct foreign monopoly profit from tariff;use import protection as the mean of export promotion to strengthen the competence of national manufacturers and extend their international market shares, thus fulfill the transfer of foreign monopoly profit to our nation and net national welfare rise. (2) The people agree with exterior economy theory think that some industries and manufacturers can produce large exterior economy to promote the development of relative industries and export expansion. However, these exterior economy can not be occupied completely by relative manufactures, thus these manufacturers or industries can not bring their optimal social effect into play. If the government give appropriate support and protection to these manufacturers or industries, then they can promote these industries and relative industries, improve their international completive advantages and gain long-term strategic profits.

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